Why Building a Brand Online Makes Recruiting Easier, Faster & More Convenient – Christine Adderson

Why Building a Brand Online Makes Recruiting Easier, Faster & More Convenient

If you’ve been trying to figure out ways of growing an online business, because old-school methods like home parties, hotel meetings, and annoying social media tactics are not working, here’s what it actually means to “build a brand”.

It’s simple: every action you take in your business results in either…

  • Being more likable, or less likable
  • Having more credibility, or less credibility
  • Improving your reputation, or trashing it
  • Being memorable, or forgettable

Think about this: every person you talk to, you either leave either a good impression or a bad impression.

So if someone chooses to never talk to you again, because they think you’re creepy and weird after you tried to prospect them at a mall or spammed them on social media, then…

That’s your brand, in their eyes!

So with every action you’re affecting your public image and your relationships in the world — which, in turn, all affect your brand.

And you can accelerate things by taking your business online, (that could be a good or bad thing), because social media allows you to make an impact quicker, more efficiently, and with more leverage.

Find out how to take your business online, the right way, just click here.

Using methods I teach here, you can reach out and connect with far more people than you EVER could with face-to-face prospecting or having home meetings.

The upside is that you can impact significantly more people by building online.

The downside is that if you are doing it wrong or in a sleazy way, you can destroy your reputation and the reputation of network marketing, that much faster!

A lot of people don’t know how to go about growing an online business (without being annoying!)

Many distributors take the same awkward, repulsive recruiting strategies they’ve been taught to do offline, and make the problems worse online – and still produce zero results!

In the end, this ends up ruining their reputation.

They’re just doing social media recruiting all wrong.

They come off salesy and pushy, and before too long, people block them on social media.

Okay, so think about that for a second: what are they doing?

Well, they’re building their brand, just not in a good way.

Their brand is being defined as a “spammer.”

They are now that guy that people need to unfriend or block on social media.

That, at the end of the day in the context of business, is building a brand.

Thus my original point…

You can build a negative brand or a positive brand

It simply depends on how you conduct yourself.

If you approach building your business in a selfish and aggressive way, then your brand will be damaged and you’ll still get poor results, which is important because…

The results you produce in your business also affect your credibility.

And as you build your business and create more results, those results become a part of your brand, as now you’re associated with success.

Conversely, if you constantly creep people out and fail to create results, then that will be your brand and how you’re known to people – “the failure who keeps annoying us with his pyramid thing”.

This is especially true if you’re growing an online business and interacting with other network marketers, as you will become known as that guy or that girl, who does network marketing all wrong and doesn’t know what they are doing.

Much better to build a brand that represents “online building”,”traffic”, “trust”, “results” and just being “a good guy”.

Make your body of work attractive, then people will approach you wanting to be recruited by YOU!

Now before I give you the complete formula for the “magic branding pixie dust” which can help you recruit, here’s what a brand isn’t…

Your brand is NOT a bunch of pretty pictures!

…or motivational quotes, or any of that stuff.

Your brand is all about the results you’re producing, the actions you’re taking, and the people you are affecting.

So even if you’re doing Facebook Lives, if you’re doing them wrong, then they’re a big waste of time and won’t do anything to serve your brand.

So you’ve got to be strategic with your message.

You should NOT lead with your company’s products and your company’s name on social media.


People shouldn’t even be able to figure out which company you’re with

…from your social media profile.

And why is that?

Because people join people and people buy from people in this profession.

Your brand is not this big intangible idea.

In addition to being likable and trustworthy…

Your brand is based with what people think you can do for them.

If you’re perceived as someone who can help people achieve their goals or solve a problem in their life, that means you are building a positive brand and people will want to join you or buy from you.

That ultimately serves the interest of your company, by helping you make more sales on their behalf.

On the other hand, when you post stuff about your company & products, in lieu of developing your brand, you are diminishing the role you play in the eyes of your followers.

Remember, people can literally go search the company name on Google without talking to you and buy the product from someone else or even join someone else.

By posting about your company, you are saying the company plays a bigger role in helping them, than you do.

You’re just a sales person – an unimportant commodity – they don’t need. In fact, if you are perceived as a sales person, you are repelling your prospects!

Or they will read a bunch of negative stuff on Google and not want to talk to you.

Obviously, in a business that relies on trust and relationships, the prospect NEEDS YOU.

There is a time & place to talk about the company, but that’s only when you present the product or opportunity to someone, not when you are prospecting or marketing in public.

Create a little mystery and curiosity, by focusing on what you can do for people or help them with.

And you haven’t figured it out already, all these lessons apply to building OFFLINE, as well as ONLINE.

DO NOT diminish the critical role you play as an advisor and expert in the eyes of your prospect.

Great networkers position themselves as advisors (not sales people), who can help others get what they want.

So if you’d like to learn more about…

How to build a positive brand (whether you’re building online or offline)

…then I highly recommend you learn more by signing up for my FREE Online Recruiting Video Series.

It’s a video course where I’ll walk you through taking your business online.

While it is very possible to build your network marketing business offline, the way I’m providing you is much easier, efficient and quicker in combination with network marketing fundamentals.

You’ll have the tools to build your business automatically—where prospects come to you on a daily basis—ready to sign up and get busy.

So if you’re ready to get started…click here and I'll see you on the other side.


Finally, An Easy Way To Recruit Into Your Network Marketing Business – Rejection FREE – Without Wasting Your Time & Money Chasing Dead Beat Prospects & Leads...

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Christine Adderson

My passion is to empower people with the entrepreneurial spirit to create the online lifestyle business of their dreams. I teach valuable skills and social media strategies to get more leads, team members and sales.

  • Darryl says:

    Christine this information is very helpful and timely thank you I’ll be back for more
    Darryl Y

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